PhpBB forum website statistics
Measure your PhpBB forum traffic
AddFreeStats is a free web analytics tool that helps webmasters to measure Phpbb forum traffic and track visitors activity. AddFreeStats tool offers lots of advanced website statistics reports and will help your to improve your Phbb forum to attract more visitors.AddFreeStats is the most reliable and affordable free Websire traffic analysis tracking program for your Phpbb forum.
Speed Up your PhpBB forum load times
AddFreeStats tracking code uses the asynchronous JavaScript technology. This technology improves your phpBB’s forum speed.
Install AddFreeStats tracking code on your Phpbb forum
Below is a two minute install guide on how to install AddFreeStats tracking code into your PhpBB forum.1) First of all, you will need to create an account on AddFreeStats. You will get a unique tracking code for your PhpBB forum
2) Log into your Phpbb forum platform as usual and then click on “Admin control panel” link that is on the footer. This should open up the admin control panel.
3) Next you should click on the “Styles” tab on Admin navigation bar at the top. This should open up a new pane. On this new pane, click on the “Templates” link on the left sidebar.
4) After clicking on the “Templates” link, a new window should open up where you should click on the “Edit” link besides the active template.
5) Now a new page opens up where you should click on a drop down menu to select the part of template to edit. In our case we are editing the footer since that is where we want to place the AddFreeStats code. Click on “overall_footer.htm” and click on “select template”.
6) A new window will open up where you should enter your unique JavaScript code that you got from your Addfreestats account. Paste the code before the closing of the body tags </body>.
The AddFreeStats tool is now integrated and should start to function.
View your PhpBB forum website statistics
To access the traffic details you can click on the AddFreeStats button displayed on your forum or by logging into your AddFreeStats account.By AFS Analytics, Sunday, October 27, 2013